Given the current state of affairs, Cloudflare created a DNS resolver with your privacy and security in mind. Cloudflare, in partnership with APNIC, runs the public resolver, a recursive DNS service that values user privacy and security. DNS requests sent to our public resolver are sent over a secure channel, significantly decreasing the odds of any unwanted spying or man in the middle attacks.
5. Cloudflare will not share the Public Resolver Logs with any third parties except for APNIC pursuant to a Research Cooperative Agreement. APNIC will only have limited access to query the anonymized data in the Public Resolver Logs and conduct research related to the operation of the DNS system.
で、この情報は何処から集めてんの? (スコア:0)では情報取ってないとか言ってなかった?
Re:で、この情報は何処から集めてんの? (スコア:1)
など []
Re:で、この情報は何処から集めてんの? (スコア:3)
こまかく言えば に協力する APNIC を除いて、ですね。APNIC は匿名化(IPv4 では下位 8bit、IPv6 では下位 80bit を切り捨てなど)したあとのデータにアクセスできるようです。
Given the current state of affairs, Cloudflare created a DNS resolver with your privacy and security in mind. Cloudflare, in partnership with APNIC, runs the public resolver, a recursive DNS service that values user privacy and security. DNS requests sent to our public resolver are sent over a secure channel, significantly decreasing the odds of any unwanted spying or man in the middle attacks.
Cloudflare will not share the Public Resolver Logs with any third parties except for APNIC pursuant to a Research Cooperative Agreement. APNIC will only have limited access to query the anonymized data in the Public Resolver Logs and conduct research related to the operation of the DNS system.